
Our blog connects our clients with our health and wellness practitioners, by providing informative and practical insights from our own personal health journeys. Welcome to our community of healers!

Love Is In The Air

Love is in the air… January is almost over and as much as I love the New Year, I love February even more. February is romantic. Not because it hosts one of the biggest hallmark holidays of the year, which for some is downright depressing to be honest, but because it really does feel like love is in the air. Many years ago I declared February the month to Love thyself. I felt it was time to let go of needing approval of someone else to determine my self-worth. So I propose this unto you if you haven’t already developed


January is a tough month for some of us. I’m sure it has to do with the hangover from Christmas, and the lack of sunlight definitely doesn’t help. Although with this beautiful snow fall, it does makes it seem like a beautiful winter wonderland outside. And thankfully it’s Friday!!!  Getting outside and changing your view, literally changes your ‘view’. Your perspective can be lifted significantly by breathing fresh air and being in nature. Playing in the snow is so therapeutic, bringing back childhood memories and being carefree. Our children really are our best teachers! So much of what we do

Flip Flop, Time To STOP!

It’s my favourite time of year! It’s time to shed what wasn’t working for you in 2017, and set some attainable goals for 2018. Whether you do the whole New Year’s Resolution thing or not, I still say, if you can make just one small change now, it has the capacity to affect big change in your life. That small change can even be a new perspective! In fact, it has to start with a new perspective. What are some of the self-destructive thoughts you need to shed from 2017? It’s time to replace those thoughts with a positive, self-loving